Role of PD-1 in regulating acute infections.


Brown KE, Freeman GJ, Wherry JE, Sharpe AH. Role of PD-1 in regulating acute infections. Curr Opin Immunol. 2010;22 (3) :397-401.

Date Published:

2010 Jun


While the role of PD-1 in inhibiting immunity during chronic infections is well established, its functions during acute infections are much less clear. The PD-1 pathway can dampen CD8 T cell responses during some acute infections and restrain responses by 'helpless' CD8 memory T cells. An emerging role for PD-1 in innate immunity has been revealed by recent studies showing that PD-1 can limit function of DC and macrophages as well as T cell independent B cell responses. Thus, PD-1 can influence adaptive immune responses during acute infections, though precisely how this regulation occurs is only just beginning to be appreciated.